A Monster Calls
Projection and Sound Designer
University of Calgary's School of Creative and Performing Arts 2023
Written by: Patrick Ness
Directed by: Steven Conde
Set and Lighting Design: Bonnie Garland
Costume Design: Rachel Staede
Photographer: Tim Nguyen

As the sound and projection designer it was important to me to help build the haunting world that Connor is experiencing. Connor is learning to deal with his mothers death and has nightmares that help him process but that is not how they first appear.
I used the sound to help convey this haunting yet beautiful piece. I wanted the sound to be routed in instruments and sounds of music boxes, this to me spoke to the haunting of it all but also to the beauty of it.
For projections I wanted it to feel as though they were Connors drawings, this child like wonder and exploration is at the heart of the piece. Drawing has always been a way to work through grief for me and for this piece it felt perfect.